Source code for pybiopax.biopax.model

__all__ = ['BioPaxModel', 'PYBIOPAX_TQDM_CONFIG']

from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional

from import tqdm

from . import *
from ..xml_util import get_id_or_about, get_tag, has_ns, wrap_xml_elements

default_xml_base = ''

PYBIOPAX_TQDM_CONFIG = {"unit_scale": True}
"""Default configuration for tqdm progress bars in pybiopax. To modify
the tqdm configuration, modify this module-level variable. For example,
to disable the progress bars, set the ``disable`` key to ``True``."""

[docs]class BioPaxModel: """BioPAX Model. Parameters ---------- objects : dict or list A dict of BioPaxObject instances keyed by their URI string or a list of BioPaxObject instances, which will get converted into a dict keyed their URI strings xml_base : str The XML base namespace for the content being represented. Attributes ---------- objects : dict A dict of BioPaxObject instances keyed by their URI string that are part of the model. xml_base : Optional[str] The XML base namespace for the content being represented. If not provided, the default BioPAX Level 3 base namespace is used. """ def __init__(self, objects, xml_base=default_xml_base): if isinstance(objects, list): self.objects = {o.uid: o for o in objects} else: self.objects = objects self.xml_base = xml_base self.add_reverse_links()
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, tree) -> "BioPaxModel": """Return a BioPAX Model from an OWL/XML element tree. Parameters ---------- tree : An element tree from which the model is extracted Returns ------- : A BioPAX Model deserialized from the OWL XML tree. """ objects = {} tqdm_kwargs = {'desc': 'Processing OWL elements'} tqdm_kwargs.update(PYBIOPAX_TQDM_CONFIG) for element in tqdm(tree, **tqdm_kwargs): if not has_ns(element, 'bp'): continue id = get_id_or_about(element) obj_cls = globals()[get_tag(element)] obj = obj_cls.from_xml(element) objects[id] = obj # We now register objects that were recursively # extracted but have not been registered yet sub_objs = get_sub_objects(obj) for sub_obj in sub_objs: if sub_obj.uid not in objects: objects[sub_obj.uid] = sub_obj for obj_id, obj in objects.items(): for attr in [a for a in dir(obj) if not a.startswith('_')]: # This is to avoid properties if attr not in obj.__dict__: continue val = getattr(obj, attr) resolved_val = resolve_value(objects, val) setattr(obj, attr, resolved_val) return cls(objects, tree.base)
[docs] def to_xml(self) -> str: """Return an OWL string from the content of the model.""" tqdm_kwargs = {'desc': 'Serializing OWL elements'} tqdm_kwargs.update(PYBIOPAX_TQDM_CONFIG) elements = [obj.to_xml() for obj in tqdm(self.objects.values(), **tqdm_kwargs)] return wrap_xml_elements(elements, self.xml_base)
def get_objects_by_type(self, obj_type): for obj in self.objects.values(): if isinstance(obj, obj_type): yield obj def add_reverse_links(self): for uid, obj in self.objects.items(): for attr in [a for a in dir(obj) if not a.startswith('_') and a not in {'list_types', 'xml_types', 'to_xml', 'from_xml', 'uid'}]: val = getattr(obj, attr) if isinstance(val, BioPaxObject) or \ (isinstance(val, list) and all(isinstance(v, BioPaxObject) for v in val)): if attr in ['left', 'right']: of_attr = '_participant_of' else: of_attr = '_%s_of' % attr vals = val if isinstance(val, list) else [val] for v in vals: if of_attr in dir(v): of_attr_val = getattr(v, of_attr) of_attr_val.add(obj)
def get_sub_objects(obj): """Get all the children of an object that were extracted and are BioPaxObjects that need to be registered in the model.""" sub_objs = [] for attr in [a for a in dir(obj) if not a.startswith('__')]: val = getattr(obj, attr) if isinstance(val, BioPaxObject): sub_objs.append(val) sub_objs += get_sub_objects(val) elif isinstance(val, list): for elem in val: if isinstance(elem, BioPaxObject): sub_objs.append(elem) sub_objs += get_sub_objects(elem) return sub_objs def resolve_value(objects, val): if isinstance(val, Unresolved): if val.obj_id not in objects: resolved_val = val.obj_id else: resolved_val = objects[val.obj_id] elif isinstance(val, list): resolved_val = [resolve_value(objects, v) for v in val] else: resolved_val = val return resolved_val