Source code for pybiopax.biopax.base

__all__ = ['BioPaxObject', 'Controller', 'Entity', 'Pathway', 'Gene',
           'Unresolved', 'Observable', 'Named', 'XReferrable']

from typing import List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

from ..xml_util import *

    from .util import Xref

[docs]class Unresolved: """A placeholder class used while deserializing BioPAX models.""" def __init__(self, obj_id): self.obj_id = obj_id
[docs]class BioPaxObject: """Generic BioPAX Object. It is the parent class of all more specific BioPAX classes.""" list_types = ['comment'] xml_types = {} def __init__(self, uid, comment=None, **kwargs): # Pass on for cooperative inheritance super().__init__(**kwargs) self.uid = uid self.comment = comment if comment else [] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, element): uid = get_id_or_about(element) kwargs = {'uid': uid} for key in cls.list_types: kwargs[key] = [] for child in element.getchildren(): key = get_attr_tag(child) # In some OWL formats, the child is directly defined # under this tag, in that case we directly deserialize it. if child.getchildren(): gchild = child.getchildren()[0] obj_cls = globals()[get_tag(gchild)] val_to_add = obj_cls.from_xml(gchild) # Otherwise, we check if the element is a simple type that we # can just get as a text value elif (get_datatype(child.attrib) is None and not get_resource(child.attrib)) \ or is_datatype(child.attrib, 'xsd', 'string') \ or is_datatype(child.attrib, 'xsd', 'int') \ or is_datatype(child.attrib, 'xsd', 'float'): val_to_add = child.text # If neither of the above is the case, then we assume that the # element is a reference that is defined in another block # somewhere so we treat is as Unresolved until later. else: res = get_resource(child.attrib) val_to_add = Unresolved(res) if key in cls.list_types: kwargs[key].append(val_to_add) else: kwargs[key] = val_to_add return cls(**kwargs) def to_xml(self): id_type = 'about' if is_url(self.uid) else 'ID' element = makers['bp'](self.__class__.__name__, **{nselem('rdf', id_type): self.uid}) for attr in [a for a in dir(self) if not a.startswith('_') and a not in {'list_types', 'xml_types', 'to_xml', 'from_xml', 'uid'}]: val = getattr(self, attr) if val is None: continue # We have to implement special handling for names to make sure # we don't serialize display/standard names here if attr == 'name' and isinstance(self, Named): val = self.get_plain_names() if isinstance(val, list): for v in val: child_elem = self._simple_to_xml(attr, v) if child_elem is not None: element.append(child_elem) else: child_elem = self._simple_to_xml(attr, val) if child_elem is not None: element.append(child_elem) return element def _simple_to_xml(self, attr, val): if isinstance(val, BioPaxObject): child_elem = makers['bp']( snake_to_camel(attr), **{nselem('rdf', 'resource'): ('#%s' % val.uid) if not is_url(val.uid) else val.uid} ) return child_elem elif isinstance(val, str): xml_type = self.xml_types.get(attr, 'string') child_elem = makers['bp']( snake_to_camel(attr), val, **{nselem('rdf', 'datatype'): nssuffix('xsd', xml_type)} ) return child_elem return None
[docs]class XReferrable: """A mixin class to add xrefs to a BioPaxObject. Attributes ---------- xref : List[Xref] """ list_types = ['xref'] def __init__(self, xref: Optional[List["Xref"]] = None, **kwargs): # Pass on for cooperative inheritance super().__init__(**kwargs) self.xref = xref if xref else []
[docs]class Named(XReferrable): """A mixin class to add names to a BioPaxObject. Attributes ---------- display_name : str standard_name : str name : str """ list_types = XReferrable.list_types + ['name'] def __init__(self, display_name=None, standard_name=None, name=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.display_name = display_name self.standard_name = standard_name self._name = name if name else [] @property def name(self): """All names associated with the object including the standard and display name, if available.""" std_name = [self.standard_name] if self.standard_name else [] disp_name = [self.display_name] if self.display_name else [] return std_name + disp_name + self._name def get_plain_names(self): return self._name
[docs]class Observable: """A mixin class to add evidence to a BioPaxObject. Attributes ---------- evidence : List[Evidence] """ list_types = ['evidence'] def __init__(self, evidence=None, **kwargs): # Pass on for cooperative inheritance super().__init__(**kwargs) self.evidence = evidence if evidence else []
[docs]class Entity(BioPaxObject, Observable, Named): """BioPAX Entity. Attributes ---------- availability : str data_source : List[Provenance] """ list_types = BioPaxObject.list_types + Observable.list_types + \ Named.list_types + ['data_source'] def __init__(self, availability=None, data_source=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.availability = availability self.data_source = data_source if data_source else [] self._participant_of = set() @property def participant_of(self): return self._participant_of
[docs]class Gene(Entity): """BioPAX Gene Attributes ---------- organism: BioSource """ def __init__(self, organism, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.organism = organism
[docs]class Controller: """BioPAX Controller.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._controller_of = set() @property def controller_of(self): return self._controller_of
[docs]class Pathway(Entity, Controller): """BioPAX Pathway.""" list_types = Entity.list_types + ['pathway_component', 'pathway_order'] def __init__(self, pathway_component=None, pathway_order=None, organism=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.pathway_component = pathway_component if pathway_component else [] self.pathway_order = pathway_order if pathway_order else [] self.organism = organism
# These are necessary to have the objects in the global # scope, required for some modes of deserialization from .interaction import * from .physical_entity import * from .util import *